Corpset pitch black

Day by day by day by night after night
I can feel one more thing inside is dying
My moment of clarity didn’t last too long
Visions and aspirations are fading away
No god can help me now
No love will save me now
How I wish these dreams would end
Remind me of what was left behind
These times have killed the best of me
Brought down last walls of hope
Pitch black flame of my soul is burning
Piece by piece I’m fading away
How much darkness can one bear inside
Before it overcomes the light of the mind
Will I ever be able to change
Will there be a redemption for me
No more can I close my eyes
From the emptiness of my ways
No more can I be blind
To the turning of these days
Day by day, night after night
I can feel something inside has died
This hatred is consuming me whole
Hopes so false eating me inside
No god can help me now
No love will save me now
No more can I close my eyes
From the emptiness of my ways
No more can I be blind
To the turning of these days
Nothing is to be relied on
Find the strength from within
No one can help you now
Answer lies deep within