Cristina Dona invisibile

Cristina Dona
Where are you
Do you know what I think?
And tell me, do you have
the same thought
so strong,
or can't you?
The moon is liquid
and I feel
as always
when it's too late to say
that I won't survive .
or maybe
it's just an image of me.
You know I get lost
in the lights if
you look out of the car
/>other lights
too far
from me?
The moon is clear and I remain
as always
when it's too late to tell
that I don't survive.
or maybe
it's just an image of me.
I'll tell you about my silence.
You know it's so real,
but I feel
invisible as always
when I would like to tell you
that I can't survive.
Invisible or maybe
it's just an image of me