Crystal Dream fragile

there was effigy of remind me
once in a lifetime brings horizon
im alone now until run through the never
afraid to face the world
afraid to walk alone
when dark come to my day and take my future away
pray to the lord everyday for trust and faith
when my broken wings fall to the world
ill keep my virgin soul to take it away
to take it away
emptiness of my heart lead way to dakness
shadowing my sadness brings sorrow
help me to wake up strong
to open my heart to god
tommorow morning ill sing and joy the days
the sun goes down on me
like lighting from the heaven
eternal flame from the bottom of my heart
take my cool away, take my cool away
let me free, let my soul to take away by the moonlight
above skelton of heaven
let me free.let me free
Lyric by: asenk666