Cucumber Men viel zu viel

I really don't feel like it anymore
I'm constantly under so much pressure
That I have to do something.
I ask myself, what forces me to do this
That I don't just do it like that, but apparently
I also like to do it.
Every time I'm fed up
The phone rings again
With about a thousand phones.< br/>Mental state has been unstable for a long time
Don't feel like getting up now. Way too much...
Way too much too much too much too much too much too much too much too much.
I don't eat, I just gorge
I keep looking at my watch< br/>My wristwatch.
Hands rotate in a carousel
Rotation in the head everything is much too tight
Everything is much too fast.
What is enough is enough, is already good< br/>Just calm down. It's your own fault
It's just your own fault.
My balance is hardly stable anymore
Again everything is just way too much for me...
Way too much too much too much too much way too much too much too much.