Cy Coleman my personal property

Today I feel New York is really
my personal property
right down Broadway to City Hall.
Every supermarket, every 5 and 10,
all of Lincoln Center and the great UN
they're all my personal property!
The zoo in Central Park is merely
my private menagerie,
I've carved my name on ever tree.
From Yonker's raceway to Bowling Green,
I own everything around it and in-between,
it's all my personal property.
The planetarium is mine alone,
the old aquarium I also own,
and since I feel today New York is really
my personal property I'll tell you what I'm gonna do...
since I like you very much,
so very, very much,
I'm gonna split it with you.
Since I like you very much,
so very, very much,
I'm gonna split it with you!