Daniel Kopp & Sarah Liberman arise o lord

Psalm 3
Kumah Adonai (u003d arise o Lord)
Hoshieni Elohai (u003d rescue me, my God)
La' Adonai ha yeshua (u003d from the Lord is salvation)
Al amcha birchatecha (u003d Your blessing over Your people)
Kumah Adonai (u003d arise o Lord)
Hoshieni Elohai (u003d rescue me, my God)
La' Adonai ha yeshua (u003d from the Lord is salvation)
Al amcha birchatecha (u003d Your blessing over Your people)
Koli el Adonai ekra (u003d with my voice I called out to the Lord)
Ya'aneni mehar kodsho (u003d He answered me from His holy mountain)
Koli el Adonai ekra (u003d with my voice I called out to the Lord)
Ya'aneni mehar kodsho (u003d He answered me from His holy mountain)
Rabim, omrim, omrim lenafshi: (u003d many there be which say of my soul)
Ein yeshuatah lo (u003d there is no help for him)
Koli el Adonai ekra (u003d with my voice I called out to the Lord)
Ya'aneni mehar kodsho (u003d He answered me from His holy mountain)
Kumah Adonai (u003d arise o Lord)
Hoshieni Elohai (u003d rescue me, my God)
La' Adonai ha yeshua (u003d from the Lord is salvation)
Al amcha birchatecha (u003d Your blessing over Your people)
Kumah Adonai (u003d arise o Lord)
Hoshieni Elohai (u003d rescue me, my God)
La' Adonai ha yeshua (u003d from the Lord is salvation)
Al amcha birchatecha (u003d Your blessing over Your people)
V'atah Adonai magen ba'adi (u003d but You Lord are a shield for me)
K'vodi u'merim roshi (u003d my honor and the one who lifts up my head)
V'atah Adonai magen ba'adi (u003d but You Lord are a shield for me)
K'vodi u'merim roshi (u003d my honor and the one who lifts up my head)
Ma rabu, ma rabu tzarai (u003d how many are my enemies)
rabim kamim alai (u003d many rise up against me)
V'atah Adonai magen ba'adi (u003d but You Lord are a shield for me)
K'vodi u'merim roshi (u003d my honor and the one who lifts up my head)
Kumah Adonai (u003d arise o Lord)
Hoshieni Elohai (u003d rescue me, my God)
La' Adonai ha yeshua (u003d from the Lord is salvation)
Al amcha birchatecha (u003d Your blessing over Your people)
Kumah Adonai (u003d arise o Lord)
Hoshieni Elohai (u003d rescue me, my God)
La' Adonai ha yeshua (u003d from the Lord is salvation)
Al amcha birchatecha (u003d Your blessing over Your people)
Oh Lord you are my shield and strength
Your glory lifts me up
The enemies stand against me
They rise up all around
Oh Lord you are my shield and strength
Your glory lifts me up
The enemies stand against me
They rise up all around
Kumah Adonai (u003d arise o Lord)
Hoshieni Elohai (u003d rescue me, my God)
La' Adonai ha yeshua (u003d from the Lord is salvation)
Al amcha birchatecha (u003d Your blessing over Your people)
Come and help me Lord
Arise and rescue me
From You and You alone
Comes my salvation
Kumah Adonai
Hoshieni Elohai
La' Adonai ha yeshua
Al amcha birchatecha
Kumah Adonai
Hoshieni Elohai
La' Adonai ha yeshua
Al amcha birchatecha
Kumah Adonai
Hoshieni Elohai
La' Adonai ha yeshua
Al amcha birchatecha