Dark Latin Groove (DLG) la soledad

She has left not to return
I wait for her but I know she won't come on the train
She is just a heart with a metal soul,
in that gray fog that envelops the city
Her bench is empty, she is still in me
I feel her breathing, I think she is still here
not even the enormous distance can divide
two hearts and a single beat
maybe if you think about my,
if you don't want to talk to anyone,
if you hide like me.
if you run away from everything and if you leave......
go to bed soon without dinner,
if you press the pillow hard against you
and you start to cry
br/>if you don't know how bad
the loneliness will be for you
I look at your photograph in my diary
with the eyes of a slightly shy girl,
I press it against my chest and It seems that
you are here, between English and mathematics.
your parents and their advice, what monotony!
because of work and other nonsense
she has taken you away without counting on you,
she has told you and is lo you will understand.
maybe if you think of me,
with real friends
just trying to forget.
It's not easy at all, really.
I can't take it anymore in class
and in the afternoons it's worse
I don't feel like studying
my thoughts go to you.
it is impossible to divide the lives of both of us like this
that's why wait for me, my darling.......
keep the illusion.
the loneliness between the two of us
this silence inside me,
that restlessness of seeing life go by like this without your love.
Therefore, wait for me, because
this cannot happen
it is impossible to separate
the history of the two like this.
loneliness, loneliness, loneliness, loneliness
loneliness, loneliness, loneliness,
loneliness between the two
this emptiness in my heart,
It makes me cry, it makes me suffer because you are not
you are not close to me
but I always think of you
wait for me, don't leave me alone
here with my suffering
ai nai na na......ai nai na na
my choir says like this, and I want
you to sing with me
with me.....la sole-sole- sole-solitude
ai nai nai na na
na nai nai na na
na nai nai na na
it is impossible to live like this,
don't make me suffer, baby
br/>ai nai na na
the loneliness between the two of us
I can't live without your love
wait for me
take me with you
this can't happen
she has left not to return
oh, how lonely
call me or write to me.......
I am writing this letter to you and I want to tell you
it also seems to me It's difficult to live without you
I look at your photograph and I start to cry
but I know that one day, soon you will fly to me
ai nai na na.....ai nai na na... .....
I will always sing