Dark Sanctuary profondeur de l ame

Beyond all sadness
Of all contempt...
The ineffable pain,
What is melancholy...
Ramps in the heart mortals...
Survivors of oblivion...
Cross the wounded soul,
Mortified by faith...
Such a sharp blade,
Tasting the betrayed flesh...
It was of this fruit that he tasted,
...Whose flesh he appreciated ...
And these are the haunted spirits,
Who now roam...
Next to a worn soul,
Setting adrift...
Joining the dead,
The thirsty immortals...
From waiting too long...
Of such great misunderstanding...
Of such great contempt for their god...
Who watches them rot...
Desiring to rejoice to die without entrails,
Nor viscera...
The Mortal regrets his advent
Avenges himself through death...
Beyond all reality
[Deep Sadness]
[Music by Arkdae, Lyrics by Sombre Cÿr]
Beyond any sadness
Any scorn...
The ineffable pain,
Which melancholy is...
Creeps in the heart of mortals...
Of those who outlived oblivion...
Passes across the hurted soul,
Mortified by faith...
As a sharp blade
Tasting betrayed flesh...
He tasted this fruit...
And enjoyed its flesh...
And now the haunted spirits
Are prowling around...
Around an exhausted soul,
That is fading away...
Rejoining those passed,
The thirsty immortals...
Who have been waiting for too long...
Who have been so much misunderstood...
So much despised by their god...
Who watches them rot...
Wanting to reign without entrails,
Nor viscera...
The mortal regrets his advent,
Has his revenge through death...
Beyond any ephemeral reality...