DarkSun la traicin

I see in your eyes the burden of a betrayal
Your word will be carried by the wind and the tears will not return...
My lies disturb the mind
The wounds are not recorded,
Behind the mask I hide my cause
Bitter words poison you...
...and your betrayal stained my honor
the promise died and my mind forgot.
/>With your blood you feed my rage
Your gaze moves away from me
Like a lost echo you attack me
I lost loyalty a long time ago
... and your betrayal stained my honor
The promise died and my mind forgot.
The storm the wind will bring and with blood you will repay me
Only time dictated your path
It is already written, today you must die...
And my sword denied your destiny
Condemning your body to live
...and your betrayal stained my honor
the promise died and my mind forgot.