David Summers el ltimo baile

Rests under the carpets
Of the city
L takes a drink
Grinds his teeth carefully
Not to cry again
And between her things
A glass breaks
It's an old photo
Landscape with smiles, at the sea
She is she is very cold in her decisions
He doesn't know what That is to say, they spent the nights
With their books and alarm clocks
Set at different times
L walks slowly
He drags his feet
And with every step
He thinks about call her and say
I love you, I love you
Do you want to dance the last time?
Do you want to kiss me?
Do you want to come back?
The last dance
To kiss you again time
A last hug
And I promise that I will go
That I will go
That I will go
That I will go
That I will go