De Dijk binnen zonder kloppen

The street is gray
The canal is foggy
I can't stand it inside
I keep thinking about that
Of that evening
Every sound startles me
I hear a door
Open and close
I hear the creaking of a step
And all my hope
Is on the doorknob
But it won't go down
She came in without knocking
She came in without knocking
She came in
She came in
She came in without knocking
And left without a word
I was alone
And not happy
I slowly burned backwards
And every day
More question than answer
A new newspaper, an old sound< br/>I wanted to die
I wanted to be buried
With lots of flowers and visitors
And suddenly
she stood there in front of me
Kicked her shoes into the corner
The evening falls
Into a thousand pieces
On the streets of the city
With pounding heart as a dowsing rod
I search for my lost treasure
But it leads to nothing
/>Lead for old iron
No matter which door I try
They are closed
Or they open
But never again, never again, never again like that time