De Dijk wanhoop niet

what's going on now
you'll never find out
you feel up to your neck in shit
you can't figure it out
it doesn't seem to be allowed
you want anything better
anything better than this
but I say
don't despair - don't despair
soon it will all be different again
and perhaps better than ever
so don't despair - never despair
you're fucked
it's always going to be that way
that's the price for all your fooling around
and then suddenly
there's only this to happen
and everything is wonderful
it's going great and everything is so beautiful
I say
don't despair - don't despair
soon it will all be different again
and perhaps better than ever
so don't despair - never despair
one day king
the next bump
the higher the top
the deeper the valley
/>this way you are nowhere
this is how you get everywhere
now you are sitting still
soon you will be unstoppable
this is how life goes
for those who have it all don't want to despair - don't despair
soon it will all be different again
and maybe better than ever
so don't despair
never despair