De Kast de noorderzon

De Kast
De Noorderzon
I've hung up the phone
I don't feel like being there
there's already way too much going on today said
far too much to be true
'I prefer to remain introverted
not missed and not wanted
sometimes I long for the loneliness
of a wanderer in the night
the resignation and the certainty
that there is no one waiting for you
just turning into myself in a pensive manner
not missed and not wanted
waiting until the peace is over returned
and the words are silent
where is the northern sun for me
is it far from me
I am looking for the northern sun within me
I want the time to stand still
stand still
you know that you are the best thing for me
that I have ever experienced
there is no one who knows me better
and thus touches the deepest part of me
but I haven't had time for myself yet
I don't recognize myself anymore
so I'm going to sleep and I'll have another drink
I'll see you again tomorrow morning
where is the northern sun for me
is it far away from me
I'm looking for the northern sun in me
I want to the time to stand still
stand still
where is the northern sun for me
is it far away from me
I am looking for the northern sun within me
I want the time to stand still
where is the northern sun for me
is it far away from me
I am looking for the northern sun within me
I want the time to stand still< br/>to stand still