De La Swing & Andres Campo i am 186

You know who i am
Yet i am desperately wanting self definition
I am trying to get a (?)
I am saying something inconsistent
I am a non immigrant
I am who I say I am
I am an employer
I am not there
I do not sleep
I am energized by students, encouraged by staff and inspired by colleagues
I am speaking to a microphone
Broadcasting my despair but i hear no response
I am sorry I was not here to hear your whole testimony
But I am listening now
I am not sophisticated
but simple concentrated and friendly
I am well not trained in smile
but always curious and want to help others
I am a little bit afraid I might sound noisy to you
I am a fan of art especially of renaissance period
and i myself make drawings, portraits and oil paintings
I am never afraid of facing challenges or difficulties
I am the person that i am
because of my birth and culture
I like who i am
I am a star
(who i say i am)
(broadcasting my despair yet i hear no response)
(I am sorry I was not here to hear your whole testimony)
(But I am listening now)
(I am energized by students, encouraged by staff and inspired by colleagues)
(I am a little bit afraid I might sound noisy to you)
(I am saying something inconsistent)
I say who I am
I am an employer