Dead Workers Party c p jumped the shark

CP Jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark
CP jumped the shark,
some time around episode twenty,
CP Jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark
even if that ÜberCharge thing was cool,
I wanna hear more map discussions,
I wanna hear much more class questions,
I wanna call in my suggestions
while singing how you jump the shark!
CP jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark
When they recorded the SNAPL Lan Party,
CP jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark,
Dun da!
I wanna hear more map discussions,
I wanna hear much more class questions,
I wanna call in my suggestions
I wanna hear more map discussions
Am I anywhere near the spot?
CP Jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark,
We still need that interview with Douglan Barty,
CP jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark,
CP jumped the shark
Maybe I talk too much about the Chief,
I wanna hear more map discussions,
I wanna hear much more class questions,
I wanna call in my suggestions
while singing how we jump the shark!
Why the talk about Age Of Conan