Debu sallallahu blessings

Sallallah ala Muhammad,
Sallallah ala Muhammad,
Continued blessings,
Always on Ahmad,
The lantern of darkness.
Sallallahu,Sallallahu ,
Ala Ahmad, Nur ul-Huda,
Ala Ahmad Mustafa.
Ahmad is the incarnation,
Divine love and favor,
The light is from God,
Let's pray.
A prayer with every breath,
A sum of every grain of sand,
Hopefully, unlimited,
A prayer opens the veil.< br/>Refrain
Salawat is faith,
And if it is sent,
So faith upon faith,
The mixture is moving.
Salawat is the sun,
But not ever set,
Like the sun of the world,
Gone and become gloomy.
Salawat on Muhammad,
Who was sent for love,
Sallallahu ala Ahmad
Our blessing asking.