Declan Kennedy incidental melody

I don't remember what I fear
I wrote and got lost in myself.
It's not poetry, it's just thoughts.
Life is hard, nothing is easy
Too many strings with too many knots.
How can you ever feel anything but lost?
Oh I found a melody, accidentally
Sung myself into tomorrow
I found a melody, incidentally
And it's filling up my dreams
Their magic leaks through a pen into the real world
Protect me from regret
Look me forward to the future
Because who cares, but I care
Afraid to be the risky winner
When I can stay the consistent loser, oh
I'll be the watcher, you be the doer.
Oh I found a melody, accidentally
Sung myself into tomorrow
I found a melody, incidentally
And it's filling up my dreams
Oh I found a melody, accidentally
Sung myself into tomorrow
Oh I found a melody, accidentally
Sung myself into tomorrow
I found a melody, incidentally
And it's filling up my dreams