Def Bond dj

Are we ready in your evenings for my DJ's set
Starting? tell those around you that he's in good shape on the mix
Heat up the "Technics" before he puts his fingers on them
If in the night you want to talk about vinyl and what I am toxic
When I broke my back on the turntables of Kheops
We will remake the history of Hip Hop and the value of their place
I dedicate this piece to? those who scratch? my place
Hey DJ! Save my life tonight
I'm heartbroken? like "Indeep" without this maxi
Play us the sound that I like at the moment, come on!
It's only you who knows how to play it
Let them understand who is the base
Make them listen to this "bootleg" that the latest jazzers are crushing
In phasing, fading, shift if you want
But honors the name just for them
DJ gives more sound
Make me shake this shit for good here
Cut Killer plays the two MK2s in this club, yes I want
Stay, stay , dedicate this series just for them
To do honor once again
Like a classic I am here? to keep the dance floor going
I need a B side, a mic, a fucking loud sound
In the sense of sharing I'm celebrating my 15 years on the air
Respect to the DJ's on FM
If you mix for love I know what you feel
In front of the bins at your record store I know what you take
Nothing? fuck sales, rankings or air-play
Voil? my double killing? test
Makes them dance until the end of the night
Makes them forget their guilt, let them breathe your desire
I will spread the word, tell the new ones who the walls are masters
That their elders made rap what they are trying to know
? each remix continues the story
In each "battle" I find a little memory
Transform, cut or pass-pass, as you wish
But honors the name just for them
I'm thinking of Double H, Turntable Dragunz, Don't Sleep,
Dj Sample, Desh, Fonky Maestro,
Double Face, Crazy B and Faster J
For DJs from France or elsewhere...Cut Killer!