Deficiency the prodigal child

In the beginning there was the sky and the earth each on its own side
A distinct evolution kept them away from each other for a long time
The sky used to know
It used to know how, where, when, who, to know why
The earth used to do
It used to do life and death, to do weakness and strength
The apartheid time finally ends
The sky and the earth will join forces
The fruit of their womb will mark the start a new era - a new crisis
The sky used to know
It used to know how, where, when, who, to know why
The earth used to do
It used to do life and death, to do weakness and strength
The cherished child has to labour
Whatever mother wants, he has to answer to father
Torn between sky and earth
He has to fly or to creep
Choosing will have consequences...
It is a new era
The cherished child has to labour
Whatever mother wants, he has to answer to father
Awakening the anger of the sky
Dishonoring plans of the earth
Making a mother unsatisfied
Fearing a father's harshness
Early or late, a choice will be done
Could the offspring of heights and depths
Succeed in making the right one?
It's the story of a new era