Deotriese underneath

It's just another dead end street,
Like the ones i've crossed a thousand times.
Never thought that i'd be standing;
Looking for a way around.
Everywhere is nowhere,
The glass is never full;
Not like the kind you played me for.
More metaphoric, less pathetic;
But in the end we just forget it.
We're looking for our road to destiny;
With all our hopes and fears upon our backs.
The only way to lighten our loads,
Is to let go of the past.
We're stronger than we realise;
More loved than we'll ever know
And as your fingers uncurl tonight,
Know that i'm holding tight.
Mother’s locked herself away again.
Daddy's taken off in the car.
Stony silence from your siblings;
You wonder who you are.
You belong to no-one,
So hold your head high and just be;
Your own personal royalty.
We're looking for our road to destiny;
With all our hopes and fears upon our backs
And as your fingers uncurl tonight
Know that i'm holding tight