Desecration state terrorism

The plan has been discovered
the time of lies is over
so it comes the fire and the blade
Fictional rights, controlled minds
the absolute power of ignorance
Corrupt goverment, parasites on the brain
only puppets doing the national theatre
covering the real ones, it's time to expose
those who let you live in exchange of a tax
Sadistic past, repeating over and over,
flags covered by blood of the legion of corpses
Oppressing, forced by law
Mind police, cameras and delators
the system needs to the cause of exterminate
Swallow is the law, the alternative is torture,
living as a number on a set of equations
To control and supress
Part of the chain, a serial number,
if any becomes loose it's fixed by the hammer
treated like sheep, led to slaughter
controlled by dogs, your will is their target
State Terrorism
Oppressing, forced by law
Coertion, there's no alternative
Authority, to control and supress
Repression, State terrorism