Despistaos no

You left some earrings, you left me breathless
And we put aside what I had for today
You took your shoes, you ripped my heart out
And I found it © lying near a container
You left me with the word on my lips
And the word was 'No'
You loved me and you forgot me, you changed me for someone better
And I felt  that my color project was going to ruin
You ruined my week, I was left without hope
We lost respect for each other and we said goodbye
You left me with the word on your lips
And the word was 'No'
You told me the best thing for both of us is over
And I thought I would say something to you before the door slammed
You let yourself and we left our tenderness in a drawer
And that night we fucked instead of making love
You left me with the word on my lips
And the word was 'No'
You left me with the word on my lips
And the word was 'No'
You left me with the word on my lips
And the word was 'No'