Diana Jones henry russell s last words live

Still alive, but the air is getting bad
Oh how I love you Mary
I have made my peace with God
Oh how I love you Mary
You did not ask why I go down in the mine
Oh how I love you Mary
It was for the children, it was for better times
Oh how I love you Mary
Stay in America and give the kids a home
Oh how I love you Mary
Marry another, you should not be alone
Oh how I love you Mary
We are weakening, our hearts are beating fast
Oh how I love you Mary
We think about our families and we do not feel bad
Oh how I love you Mary
They will lay me in a pauper's grave
Oh how I love you Mary
Tell my father my soul is saved
Oh how I love you Mary
Meet me in heaven, I'll wait for you there
Oh how I love you Mary
Oh how I love you Mary
Oh how I love you Mary
Oh how I love you Mary