Die Aerzte omaboy

I refused to join the federal government, community service was called for
To the old people's home for a year and a half ohoho
Everything went according to plan, I never complained
Finally all my dreams came true
Because If I see snow-white hair, then I run the risk
Almost forgetting myself because of love and longing
Because in this world of ours where beauty and youth are the only things that count
I am obsessed with the love of old women. ..
The older, the better!
When I count the varicose veins on her shapelessly swollen legs
Bust size on the stomach, that's what I call well-built ohoho
Star-clouded eyes, bad breath from them Gallstones
Heavy make-up over sagging skin oh-ho
Models in suspenders are chic, but I get my kicks
From withering thighs pressing into supportive tights
Because I see snow-white hair. ..
They are infinitely more experienced in matters of love
Do you know what feelings stir within them?
I will penetrate into new regions of love
Because today I will become one< br/>Laying flat
Because I see snow-white hair...