Die Toten Hosen in dulci jubilo

In dulci jubilo,
Sing and be happy!
The joy of our hearts
Lead in praesepio.
And shine as the sun,
Matris in gremio.
Alpha est et O.
Alpha est et O.
In dulci jubilo,
Sing and be happy!
The joy of our hearts
Lead in praesepio.
Shines as the sun,
Matris in gremio.
Alpha est et O.
Alpha est et O.
Alpha est et O.
Alpha est et O.< br/>O Jesu parvule,
My head hurts so much.
Comfort my mind,
O puer optime
And hand me a bag,
Princeps gloriae.
Trahe me post te.
Trahe me post te.
Alpha est et O.
Alpha est et O.
O you happy one,< br/>O you blessed,
Grace-bringing Christmas time!
World was lost,
Christ is born,
O rejoice,
O Christianity!
World was lost,
Christ is born,
O rejoice,
O Christianity!
O you joyful one,
O you blessed,
Grace-bringing Christmas time!
Christ has appeared,
To mock us.
O rejoice,
O Christianity!
Christ has appeared to mock us.
O rejoice,
O Christianity!
Rejoice you,
O rejoice,
O Christianity!
I come from high up in heaven,
I bring you good new stories.
The good news I bring so much,
That I want to sing and say!
A little child has been born to you today,
Chosen by a virgin,
The little child is so tender and fine,
/>Shall be your joy and delight.