Die Toten Hosen liebesspieler

Today is our day
Everything for love player
Today is our day
Everything for my winner
My money is tight
But the tip is hot ¾
The bets are 10 to 1
Suddenly the horses are on the track
And then Love Player is ahead
Today is our day
Everything is on Love Player
Today is our day
Everything for my winner
After the race I'll take you out
And I'll buy you whatever you want
So far I haven't minded you at all
But today I'm your lucky guy
Today is our day
Everything's on love player
Today is our day
Everything's on my winner
And so come them in the home stretch
Love player in front of Speed u200bu200bKing behind Mozartkugel
Love player, Speed u200bu200bKing, Mozartkugel
Love player falls behind
Speed u200bu200bKing, Mozartkugel, Speed u200bu200bKing, Mozartkugel
Where is love player. Speed u200bu200bKing wins
Disappointed, I'm alone on the track
Because you went home pretty quickly
I'll take a look at the new racing tips
And calculate my chances
That wasn't my day today
Where was love player
That wasn't my day today
Where was my winner< br/>Shit
That wasn't my day today
Where was the lover