Dingo lhetyssaarnaaja

I arrived from the coasts of the world
from rocks soaked in vintage wine
birds of prey await their prey
doomed missionary writes on the cover of a cigarette pack
I close my eyes when the evening gets dark
I walk with you to the beach where the bottoms break firmly
and when I make love in my thoughts
freedom creeps into the cell from which I leave for a while, squirming
This in that cell, broken hearts lie
I make love with you again and again and again and again
I throw the key behind the bars
and the longing tears the weak chest hetysaarnajaan
The pencil draws until it runs out
the back cover is sagging under the text
the waves of the fairy tale world flutter
the missionary of the great world loves him to the end
In this cell there are broken hearts
I make love with you again and again and again and again
I throw the key behind the bars
and longing tears the weak chest ¤hetyssainajaan
In this cell there are broken hearts
I make love with you again and again and again and again
I throw the key behind the bars
and longing tears the weak breast of the missionary