DJ Buddy Holly chasing song

Bad guys are chasing me
I witnessed a crime scene now I'm running
They're on a killing spree
Now I'm caught in the middle of it
I turn the corner, my life is over cause they got guns, grenades, bazookas and they're getting closer
I run for my life! I run for my life!
They're chasing me
They're chasing after me
Everybody's after me, they're chasing after me
Everybody's after me
Bad guys are shooting at me with heavy artillery now I'm running
Criminal activity
Now I'm caught in the middle of it
I turn the corner, my life is over cause they got guns, grenades, bazookas and they're getting closer
I run for my life! I run for my life!
They're chasing me
They're chasing after me
Everybody's after me, they're chasing after me
Everybody's after me
They're chasing after me