DJ Rankin pizza man

DJ Rankin
Clubland -CD1
Pizza Man
onea day ama goin to malta to bigga hotel,
ina morning i go downa to eata breakfast,
i tell de waitress i wana two peices of toast,
she brings me ony one peice,
i tell her i want two peice,
she say go to tha toilet,
i say you no understand i wanta two peice ona my plate,
she say you betta not piss on the plate you son of a bitch!
i don even know de lady an she calla me a son of a bitch,
later, i go to eata at a bigga restaurant,
de waitress bring me a spoon and a knife but no fork,
i tell er i wanna de fork,
she tella me everybody wanna fuck,
i tell er you no understand i wanna forka on de table,
she say you betta not fuck on the table you son of a bitch,
i don even know de lady an she calla me a son of a bitch,
so i go back to my room ina hotel an dere is no sheets on da bed,
call da manager an tella im i wanna sheet,
e tella me to go to the toilet,
i say you no understand i wanna sheet on my bed,
e say you betta not shit on the bed you son of a bitch,
i go to de checkout an de man behind de desy say 'peace on you',
i say piss on you to you son of a bitch!
im goina back to italy!