Dock 83 day by day

For years you've spread your arms for me
Now you've spread lies behond my concern
Ignoring all my efforts and my offers
You don't regret
You'll never change
I've been blinded from the start
But i never knew it would be this fucking hard
To be strong and face
These terrifying thoughts that haunt me in my sleep
To be left alone and thrown away
Into deep
It was never so tempting to say goodbye
It was never so hard to speak
With separate hearts put on the line
I chose to aim for mine
I chose for mine
I've been blinded from the start
I hate everything that you left in me
These emotions tear me apart
But i'll spend my days without you
I'll find my place alone
I'll wander late to find it a safer place to call home
Day by day
I fight this thought
If it was worth it from the start
Day by day
Blinded by your lies
Yet after so many tries
Day by day
You'll never change
My mind will guide me
No more you will bind me
I've found my place to be heard
The real won't die unheard
My mind will guide me
No more you will bind me
I've found my place to be heard