Draco Rosa cmo me acuerdo

Today I want to talk about you,
about how I loved you
You hurt me so much, so much
that I am only wind
Wind came, wind passed and how I remember
I lived only for you, thanks to you
I will continue, the wind came, the wind left
and how I remember
Oh, I call you, I who call you
Where Wherever you are, come flying to my side
Where will you go
Where will you go, far from me
Who will give you what I gave you
Who He will sleep hugging you, like me,
how I remember, love,
as if it were yesterday
Wind came, wind passed, and you are not here
Oh, The wind passed, and I, how I remember, love
Oh, I call you, I call you
Wherever you are, come flying to my side
Hey, I'm going to look for you wherever you are You are there so that,
so that you come back to me, so we can fall in love again
Oh, I call you, I call you
Where you are, come flying to my side
Hey, I'm going to look for you wherever you are so that,
so that you come back to me, and so
we can fall in love again