Dragon Guardian requiem

I never forget your memory eternally
The scar that cannot be erased
Way of life of soldiers
They accoimplished a mission
The meaning of fighting they taught
Now the memories of that day revive
We had been fighting together
Encouraging, pledging and respecting each other
The days that we had kept running toward the same target
I thought like this
It was natural
My friend
Having tried fighting against the enemies
Although we knew that we could not win
I can see you in the dream
It is named the destiny
We are holding a fate that we cannot throw it away
The wish that was entrusted with is succeeded forever
Till we win a fight
The wounds of the heart is cured sometime
But wounds of the body are not erased
Keep fighting and trying
Being frightened by fear
Looking for the paradise of relief which visits us sometime
And I wake up again