Drawn Ship glass eye

silent kid, don't cry
i'm gonna buy you a glass eye
i'll poke it out again so you're as blind as me
hush, hush you are not alone
someone's home
hush, hush you are not alone
someone's home
swim it like a river
cause when the memory's gone,
there's nothing to forgive
oh kid don't cry
i'm gonna buy you a glass eye,
i'll cut out your tongue so its fits in your mouth
you've been killed already twice
so this third time is no surprise
well your sister she came here before
never got out of it east side
silent kid don't cry
i'm gonna buy you a glass eye
i'll poke it out again so you're as blind as me
just like you were on the day you were born
you've been killed already twice
so this third time is no surprise
well your sister she came here before
never got out of it east side