Dreamscape 5th season

Far away, avision unknown.
It's calling lor me...
Breathing in as I'm coming home.
I'm falling, I'm falling to see...
... Down on me I used to be...
Look into my eyes. a mirror to myself.
Search for a reason... why?
Living in disguise in а place and time
Be called 5th season.
All my life i tried to hold on my dreams through days and nights
Every step that I took forward
I was chasing all that i never ever give in
To reach one day. keep on pray.
Painting pictures to remember and to see...
... Down on me I used to be...
Look into my eyes. a mirror to myself.
Search for a reason... why?
Living in disguise in а place and time
Be called 5th season.
This is not your place
Don't even try to find it
This is not your time
So keep on finding it on your own!
To listen when she was speaking to me.
To see her when she laughed,
To feel her presence every time
And next to me
Still missing all that
Could have been between us,
But time keeps on running
Sealing the wounds inside my soul
To listen to my inner voice
Speaking to my mind again
What feels so right was just a new illusion
Painted by my dreams...
Hold on, I still listen to the voice
Speaking from inside forever
Keep on believing in your dreams,
In all that is worth I'm waiting for...
...For the time, for the place, for the one...
Still I keep the faith, still I believe
Then I' m closing my eyes
Dreams and memories
Tart to fuse together inside
I can feel the sun shining on my skin
I can feel the wind breaking the silence
Then I open up my eyes,
Standing in the here and now
Closer than ever before...
When it comes to the end
Of the journey of my life
Next to her I found my 5th SEASON
So many years have passed
Too many tears were cried
So many hearts were broken
Too many loves are gone...
But we are I earning by what we i ivf io see
All emotions and impressions we feel
Are shaping us to what wf are.
Are leading us to near and far.
Let us know i hat we're alive,
Let us reach the core inside
I'm falling to see...
...Down on me I used tо be...
Look into my eyes, a mirror to myself
Search for a reason... why?
Living in disguise in a place and time
Be called 5th season