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Rome, Paris, home
I'm a rolling stone
I love you anywhere
old man, blurred face
strangers in the same space
He, the big, black bear
whising I was his au-pair
I'm on fire and flare
Falling, falling, falling
falling, falling, falling
falling, falling, falling
I'm marchin on
fire and flare
the campange's here
Mr. Old guy
sing me a lullaby
pour me another rye
falling, falling, falling
falling, falling, falling
falling, falling, falling
falling, falling, falling
All around the world today
all around the world I say
all around the world today
I'm falling, falling
All around the world today
all around the world I say
all around the world today
I'm falling, falling
All around the world today
all around the world I say
all around the world today
I'm falling, falling
All around the world today
all around the world I say
all around the world today
I'm falling, falling
All around the world today
all around the world I say
all around the world today
I'm falling, falling
All around the world today
all around the world I say
all around the world today
I'm falling, falling