Dumais Nancy souds jamais

Dumais Nancy
Talk to the Angels
Forever United
Everything is sad outside
The sky is colorless
The breath of the cars
Darkens the tiles
br/>Everything is dull outside
The flowers are odorless
Don't you see anything up there?
Everything is so cold outside
Hate is colorless
We plants its flag
We feed the crows
Everything is unhealthy outside
We walk over the bodies
Can't you hear anything up there?
Dreaming only our walls are falling apart
Walking towards a new world
Dreaming that our hopes are melting
Forever united, forever united
Everything is madness outside
We feed the Golden Calf
We trade for skins
We burn the cradles
If so many voices implore you
Will you stay up there?
Dreaming that our walls are collapsing
Walking towards a new world
Dreaming that our hopes are melting
Forever united, forever united
Welded together never...