Dusty Springfield anna el baion spanish

Dusty Springfield Miscellaneous Anna (El Baion) (Spanish) Tererem, tererem, tererem... Tererem, tererem, tererem... Tererem, tererem , tererem...
Tererem, tererem, tererem...
The black buzzer is coming
The baion dancing happily
How itchy the one accompanying the woman
Now the black buzz is coming Girl, where vas?
Me voy a dance he baion!
Tererem, tererem, tererem...
Tacatem, tacatem,
Tererem, tererem, tererem...
Tererem, tererem, tererem...
The black buzz is coming
Dancing happily the baion
How hot the one accompanying the woman
The black buzz is coming
Dancing happily the baion
How hot it is accompanying the woman the woman
I want to dance the baion, cumpa
To whom everyone when they see me pass by
Girl, where are you going?
I'm going me a dance he baion!
I want to dance the baion, cumpa
To whom everyone when they see me pass by
Girl, where vas?
Me voy a dance he baion!
El baion
El baion
El baion