Ed Harcourt furnaces

No matter how much coal you shovel in the mouth of your child
These furnaces still want more, these furnaces still want more
They come in fleets and in droves, the puritanical (folk)
These furnaces still want more
Into the abyss with the ropes tied round your wrist,
You're the last illusionist but you don't know it
This is junkyard love on the scrapheap of lust,
Keep the furnace burning less we turn into rust
Hungry little bird in his nest (sat there) fracking for the shale gas
These furnaces never know when to quit, these furnaces never keep the oil slick,
So you spark up another cigar, rev the engine on your bulletproof car,
These furnaces still want more
Into the abyss with the ropes tied round your wrist,
You're the last illusionist but you don't know it
This is junkyard love on the scrapheap of lust,
Keep the furnace burning less we turn into rust
This is junkyard love on the scrapheap of lust,
Keep the furnace burning less we turn into rust
Keep it burning baby
This is junkyard love on the scrapheap of lust,
Keep the furnace burning less we turn into rust