Eddie Santiago jugue y perdi

Now what would I do without your kisses
Without your love I got used to your caresses
I felt like a king, I had never had a love
So faithful that I played with for a lifetime
br/>When I realized that I had deceived you, I no longer wanted
For you to dissolve this great love that I felt
If you listened to me just once I would tell you
That to have your love again I would give everything
I begin to suffer to feel the need to know about you
To think that there is no path to follow without you
Because I only played with you and I lost
When I realized that I had cheated on you, I no longer wanted
For you to dissolve this great love that I felt
If you would listen to me just once I would tell you Âa
That to have your love again I would give everything
I begin to suffer to feel the need to know about you
To think that there is no path to follow without you
Because only with you did I play and lose Â