Ednita Nazario despues de ti

Do you know what?
Today is no
Don't ask me for anything else
With that face of asking for forgiveness...
I suffered you
It's over
the sacrifice is over
I threw your name
to the dogs and into the void
don't count...on me
Although it was a war to love you
and I lost the strength to continue
although the current carried me away
and it made me want to die
I was saved
from your love
from pain
I learned
that there is a life after you...
You know well
who failed
and if you don't know, what difference does it make?
I'm tired of everything
I prefer you in other arms
I choose
my steps...
Although it was a war to love you
and I lost the strength to continue
although the current carried me away
and it made me want to die
I was saved
from your love
from pain
I learned
that there is a life after you...
Every stone on the road.. .I will skip it
and nothing will stop me
I can be alone with my loneliness
I delete you
I forget you
I want to start again
Although it was a war love you
and I lost the strength to continue
although the current swept me away
and it made me want to die
I was saved
from your love
from pain< br/>I learned
that there is a life after you...
Although it was a war to love you
and I lost the strength to continue
although I was swept away by the current
and it made me want to die
I was saved
from your love
from pain
I learned
that there is a life after you...