Eiffel death s dance

Is there anybody here
Searchin' for the last trance?
Loopy bones and skeletons breathe
Into the winds of nonsense
Dancing the Death's dance
She's coming fast.. .
Molten into ebony for strange courtship displays
Exquisite corpses and ravers celebrate the great whole
Wiggle their ass in the infusory of macabre societies
Vanity fair with the song of the owl
By hard beats
When they will take you by your cold hands
For the Death's dance
Is there anybody here
Searchin' for the last trance?
Loopy bones and skeletons breathe
Into the winds of nonsense
Dancing the Death's dance
br/>She's coming fast...
Your nine lives have passed, Baby...They are approaching
Their drums roll the galosh of infernal lotteries
Demi -grotesque gods, joyful and chilling in the face of psyches, spit the foam of the moons
And tails of comets in your annals
By hard kicks< br/>When they will take you by your jelly brains
For the Death's dance
Is there anybody here
Searchin' for the last trance?
Loopy bones and skeletons breathe
Into the winds of nonsense
Dancing the Death's dance
And Maquabir exhorted:
What we were, you are
What we are, you will be
Passé le scalpel des jours, c'est un essaim de poignards-cristal
Qui bourdonne sous l'pick-up des Dj's en mains anonymes des ruches noires
Ça y est, la rumeur du vent efface ton monde, tu es ce crâne au sourire sans fin
Oh infini éjaculatoire
Beats your ears
When they will take you by your cold hands
For the Death's dance
Is there anybody here
Searchin' for the last trance ?
Loopy bones and skeletons breathe
Into the winds of nonsense
Dancing the Death's dance
She's coming fast...