El Chapo De Sinaloa no me digas

Don't tell me that you don't feel, when we meet*
When we look at each other, I know your hands are sweating
It's not so easy to start, those moments from yesterday
And in facing the heart, that made you shudder.
Don't tell me that you don't feel, when you have to fail
Proving to people, that you don't care anymore
But silence takes you, towards the imagination
And surely you feel, what I am feeling.
Don't tell me that you don't feel, that you don't feel like it
To lose ourselves for a little while, and to share the bed
To live those crazy things that identified us I matter more
But silence takes you towards the imagination
And surely you feel, what I am feeling.
Don't tell me that you don't feel, that the desire doesn't carry you
Of getting lost for a little while, and of sharing the bed
Of living those crazy things that identified us
Don't tell me that you don't feel, because I don't believe anything.