El Tri dora mitzi

To Heel
(Yeah! Au! Uh!)
Today is one of those days
When I don't feel like doing anything.
I would like to stay (to remain) lying down
Playing the guitar.
But I have a lot of debts (debt) and a lot of worries (worries).
So I better get on my heels now!
He Time flies when I'm with you.
And it stops when I have to charm.
I would like to stay another while to gab and rock,
But I have a lot of fights. and the creditors pursue me (pursue)
So I have no choice but to put my foot down!
It's very cool to chatter (gab)
And it's very cool to be with you
But I better put my foot down
Because if not, it won't work out (?)
Today is one of those days
When I don't feel like doing anything.
br/>But there is no other option but to heel... to heel!
It is very cool to chatter (gab)
And it is very cool to be with you
But I better start to heel< br/>Because if not, it won't work out
Today is one of those days
When I don't feel like doing anything.
But there is no other option but to put my foot down !
I have no choice but to heel!
There is no other choice but to heel!