Ele daniel and charlie

It was a sunny morning, you were lying on your bed
Dreaming of what would be a great day.
Nine months of wishes that ended up being reality
Your little Daniel was born that sunny morning.
His first cry embraced all your senses.
When he grabbed your finger you were overjoyed.
Your life changed and now you are three
You can't stop smiling you're really lucky
Your little Daniel was born that sunny morning.
Come on baby, welcome to the world
Open your bright eyes that light up your face
Happiness is felt everywhere
Come on baby, welcome to the world
When they look at you troubles fall apart
Could they love you even more?
One week later little Charlie came to town
With the strength of being loved from the very first time.
Your wish of taking care of him will last forever
Of protecting and hugging him tight, of being the three together
Your little Charlie came to town.
Come on babies, welcome to the world
Open your bright eyes and start your life
Happiness is all around
Come on babies, welcome to the world
When we look at you troubles fall apart
Could we love you even more?
Little Daniel come and meet your friend Charlie
You're both surrounded by the magic of music
You'll get along great from your first step,
We're trapped by you, you deserve everything
Little Daniel come and meet your friend
Charlie, come and meet your friend Little Daniel come and meet your friend Charlie.