Elefantes al olvido

For a long time now it has been difficult for me to speak,
like a fear of not knowing how to be
where others ask me to be?,
fear of I don't know what?...
And every day I believe a little more
that age is making us silent,
I no longer say nonsense,
I'm scared of what they think about me?...
To oblivion,
everything I have learned,
if it is going to hurt me so much,
what I keep in the drawer,
I will give it to the oblivion,
each and every moment
that until today I carried inside
don't I want them with me?,
I give them to oblivion.
I thought that getting older
it gave you a little more control,
at least my case isn't like that?,
there are things that I still don't know how to say.
And people confuse me when passing by .
I'm afraid of meeting someone
and having to stop to say hello.
I can't think of what? to say.
To oblivion,
everything I have learned,
if it is going to hurt me so much?
what I keep in the drawer,
I will gift to oblivion,
each and every moment
that until today I carried inside
I don't want them with me?...
Am I going to leave them here?
while I go out for a walk,
Will someone take them?
And so? maybe when I return
it could be that they are no longer here?...
And will I leave? alone in the alley
hiding from others.
Maybe no one sees me run…