Element A440 parasite

Can't you sleep
afraid to dream
can't keep this from happening
the more I laugh
the more you scream
such a painless tragedy
love this hate society
weakening proprieties
wipe away the shit from me
shove this in
get on your knees
You will worship
You will worship me
Just pretend that I'm ok
you're such a pretty protege
now memorize these words I say
recite them like it's poetry
I mustn't tell I mustn't scream
that takes away all dignity
the world is what you mean to me
so I swear you secrecy
You will worship
You will worship me
You were told to lock me up
and throw away the fucking key
instead I fled
a boy is dead
the gift of sodomy
some call me strange a bit derranged
growing necrology
the anit-christ gives some delight
to PARASITEs like me
Obscene, Molesting
Masturbating, Bloody Deficating
So Lethally Degrading
Faster, Laughter, Penetrating
You will worship
You will worship me