Ella Dot Motions move on

When I get together with you guys,
She have a problem of you.
You looks glum than usual,
what happen with you?
After I heard what your said
you rejected as someone as boyfriend
Come on, calm down for a moment
and realized his not your love
But difficult your forgotten
forget her, whom your love
But this all happen.
and heart with the sins and disappointment
But difficult your forgotten
forget her, whom your love
if you trust, if you trust.
Go move on, and realized you can do it
Go move on, and believe in your heart to do it
go left for her, you can, you're right, coz' you love her
and give the best to her, and give the best to her
After I heard what your said
you rejected as someone as boyfriend
Come on, calm down for a moment
and realized his not your love
But difficult your forgotten
forget her, whom your love
if you trust, if you trust.
Go move on, and realized you can do it
Go move on, and believe in your heart to do it
go left for her, you can, you're right, coz' you love her
and give the best to her, and give the best to her
Go move on, and realized you can do it
Go move on, and believe in your heart to do it
go left for her, you can, you're right, coz' you love her
and give the best to her, and give the best to her