Els Pets cercles viciosos

Els Pets
Vicious Circles
Ernest lives
with Sònia, but in private
he has an uncontrolled love
with the work colleague who 'has separated
from Manel,
who gets along with Pilar,
who one day found
her man in bed carding with a certain Joan.
More or less everyone makes mistakes
and tangles with those they don't touch.
And it is so true that no one is satisfied with what they have,
until one day he is abandoned
by the one who was always by his side.
Sara knows
that the story with Joan
is not going anywhere because he is married
with the mother of that boy who looks at her so much,
a certain Pep
who parties with Remei
who is from Valls and one day a month
receives Sònia taking revenge on her Ernest.
More or less everyone makes mistakes
and gets involved with those they don't belong to.
And it's so true
that no one is satisfied with what they have,
until one day they find themselves
abandoned by the one who was always by their side.