Emma Ballantine secret tunnel

I had to tell my story,
'Til it was sore in my mouth.
Before the judge and jury,
Like it was me being sent down.
Cause people stood outside to taunt me,
With weapons in the words they called me.
But nothing they could do could daunt me,
I was underground.
Cause there's a secret tunnel
Running to the courthouse door.
I'm gonna walk through it tomorrow,
He can't hurt me anymore.
I'm gonna find a new home,
Now that I could stand on my own.
At the end of that secret tunnel,
Gonna let him go.
I had to tell somebody,
It got too heavy to bear.
And when the dam broke,
And I spoke,
You were there!
Ready with the engine running,
Drive until my heart stopped drumming.
Gave me the guts to name him,
Oh you helped me stand!
Cause there's a secret tunnel,
Running to the courthouse door.
I'm gonna walk through it tomorrow,
He can't hurt me anymore.
I'm gonna find a new home,
Now that I could stand on my own.
At the end of that secret tunnel,
Gonna let him go.
Gonna let him go,
Gonna let him go,
Gonna let him go,
Gonna let him go,
Cause there's a secret tunnel,
Running to the courthouse door.
I'm gonna walk through it tomorrow,
He can't hurt me anymore.
I'm gonna find a new home,
Now that I could stand on my own.
At the end of that secret tunnel,
Gonna let him go.
Cause there's a secret tunnel,
Running to the courthouse door.
I'm gonna walk through it tomorrow,
He can't hurt me anymore.