Enanitos Verdes amores lejanos

Green Dwarves
Distant Loves
Nothing happens this afternoon, the streets seem deserted
Carmencita went on a trip and perhaps I will never see her again,
Me looking out the window at the asphalt shining pearls.
The places I frequented
do not attract me nor interest me.
And although you are not here today, I am planning
one and again distant loves
and although you are not here today, I open my arms to you
I will stay here waiting.
Nothing happens this afternoon, I cannot forget about it
I've been thinking about it for a month now
and I don't know if he remembers me...
My future is somewhat uncertain, but that's not the problem
Where do I put my feelings
if tonight there is a full moon...
And although you are not here today, I am planning
again and again for distant loves.
And although you are not here today I open my arms to you .
I will stay here waiting.